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 兒醫歡喜慶十載,婦兒健康迎未來 臺大醫院兒童醫療大樓成立10週年記者會



Jian-Hua Hong
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Jian-Hua Hong
* Current position:
  • Attending Physician, Department of Urology, National Taiwan University Hospital.
* Specialty:
  • Surgery
  • Urology
* Education:
  • MD, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
* Career and certification:
  • Best Resident doctor in the Urological Department, National Taiwan University Hospital
  • First place in the urologist specialist examination
  • Taiwan Nominee for Urology Residents’ Course (URC) 2016
  • Best poster at the 33rd Annual EAU Congress in Copenhagen
  • Taiwan Urological Association
  • Taiwan Andrology Association
  • The American Urological Association international membership
  • The European Association of Urology membership
* Reminder from Dr. Hong:
  • The diseases of the urinary system may be encountered in all age groups. For example, with the increase of age, voiding difficulty, frequent urination, nocturia, etc., may indicate having the disease of prostate enlargement, and if being negligent, it may damage the kidney function. Young office workers who do not like to drink water, prefer sweets, etc., may confer a higher risk of urinary calculi even at a young age. Prostate cancer and bladder cancer are among the top ten causes of male death in Taiwan. Therefore, if you are over 50 years old, it is recommended to have a prostate cancer screening; if you have painless hematuria, it is recommended to undergo further examination. If you have hematuria, urinary pain, urinary dysfunction, you should seek the advice of a urologist.

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