 無障礙網頁說明  台大醫院:::

 臺大醫院「新南向人員健康服務中心」啟動 醫療諮詢有管道 人員健康一把罩



Zong-Han Yao
Download :
Li-Fang Hsu
* Current position:
  • Attending Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital.
* Specialty:
  • Adult Thoracic Medicine
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Chest Ultrasonic Examination
  • General Internal Medicine
  • Critical Care Medicine
* Education:
  • National Taiwan University College of Medicine, M. D.
* Career and certification:
  • Attending Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch.
  • Specialist, Internal Medicine, R.O.C.
  • Member, Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine
  • Chief-Resident, Department of Internal Medicine (Thoracic Medicine), National Taiwan University Hospital.
* Reminder from Dr. Yao

Chronic cough is the most common problem in thoracic outpatient clinics. Etiologies of chronic cough may range from post-infectious cough caused by common colds to severe lung disease such as lung cancer. If cough persists for more than three weeks, visiting thoracic outpatient clinics for further evaluation is strongly recommended.

In addition, our government provides free influenza vaccine for high-risk groups in October every year. People who meet the criteria are advised to get vaccines for prevention of serious complications from influenza.

Online Registration:Register



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國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院  地址:臺北市中山南路7號  電話:(02) 23123456



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