 無障礙網頁說明  台大醫院:::

 健康篩檢、運動來點、幸福滿點 臺大醫院123週年院慶—社區健康促進列車義診活動



Shaw-Gang Shyu
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* Current Position:
  • Attending Physician, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PMR), National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH).
  • Intern training organizer, Department of PMR, NTUH.
* Specialty:
  • General rehabilitation
  • Cancer Rehabilitation
  • Musculoskeletal and peripheral nerve ultrasonography and interventional therapy
* Education:
  • National Taiwan University School of Medical, BS.
* Career and certification:
  • Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist (CIPS).
  • Attending Physician, Department of PMR, NTUH Jin-Shan Branch.
  • Resident/ Chief-Resident, Department of PMR, NTUH.
  • Resident, Department of Surgery, NTUH.
* Reminder from Dr.:

As progress of cancer treatment, the survival of cancer patient increased substantially. However, the impairments from cancer in combined with physical and psychological side effects from cancer therapies substantially impact function and quality of life in many survivors. Organized interdisciplinary rehabilitation programs helps our cancer survivors reduce the disability and enhance their more funcitonal life.
Proper pain control with or without intervention for musculoskelotal or other pain generators is a key factor for cancer rehabilitation and general rehabilitation.

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國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院  地址:臺北市中山南路7號  電話:(02) 23123456



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