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 國際醫療中心 – 國際人士就醫新選擇



國際醫療中心 – 國際人士就醫新選擇
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臺大醫院配合政府政策,於2005年11月4日成立國際醫療中心(NTUH International Medical Service Center),推動國際醫療業務,主要任務為:

  • 開辦「國際特約醫療服務」,協助國際人士至本院就醫。
  • 輸出本院醫療技術,和其他國家建立交流合作關係,協助發展中的國家提升其醫療水準。
  • 協助政府拓展醫療外交,建立國際醫療聯繫與合作網絡。


A:預約專線+886-2-2356-2900或以電郵ntuhimsc@ntuh.gov.tw 聯繫國際醫療中心。


NTUH International Medical Service Center
NTUH International Medical Service Center was established on Jan. 2006 and has become the healthcare providing facility of American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), International SOS and foreign embassies/missions in Taiwan, and demands from other countries is apparently increasing. The patients who have experienced our service are all satisfied with the medical quality, price and efficiency.

With medical techniques and quality comparable to those in advanced countries of the West, NTUH offers high quality and efficient medical services to international visitors for a reasonable fee. More than 6,500 international patients receive treatment at NTUH each year; approximately 1,200 of them are from the US and Canada.

FAQ of NTUH International Medical Services
Q:For foreigners, how can I arrange an outpatient visit to NTUH?
A:For foreigners who have Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI), the appointment can be made through general outpatient registration. For those who do not have NHI, they can still make the appointment through general outpatient registration, or through NTUH’s International Medical Service Center.

Q:What nationalities are qualified to use the International Outpatient Clinic?
A:People who have foreign passports and waive the rights of using NHI are all qualified to use international medical services.

Q:How can I make an appointment at International Outpatient Clinic?
A:Please contact International Medical Service Center via phone at 886-2-2356-2900 or via email at ntuhimsc@ntuh.gov.tw

Q:Do you receive patients who have insurance coverage?
A:If the foreign patients’ insurance companies have a contract with NTUH, then the patients can ask their insurance companies to issue the guarantee of payment for their medical services without paying medical fees, however this excludes services that are not covered by the insurance companies. If the patients’ insurance companies do not have a contract with NTUH, the patients have to pay the medical fees first, and claim their paid amounts to their insurance companies with the medical receipts.

國際醫療中心中級管理師 古家瑜


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