

Po-Hua Chen
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Ming-Lun Han
* Current position:
  • Attending Physician, Department of Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital
* Specialty:
  • Psoriatic disease, vitiligo and pigmentation disorder
* Education:
  • MD, Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University, College of Medicine.
  • BS, Department of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University, College of Medicine.
* Career and certification:
  • Attending Physician, Department of Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Yun-Lin branch
  • Attending Physician, Department of Dermatology, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital
* Reminder from Dr. Chen:

Both psoriasis and vitiligo are immune skin diseases. With the popularization of medical knowledge, they have been gradually recognized in recent years. Because skin diseases often cause changes in appearance, saving the treatment process that requires patience; patients often suffer extended psychological pressure and anxiety in their lives. Fortunately, via the advances in medical science, traditional treatments and new drug combinations have brought dawn to the progress of the disease. In addition to being blessed to live in the era of advanced medical care, the stereotypes or misunderstandings about these diseases also rely on everyone's efforts to update and change. Appropriate maintenance and protection are good recipes for maintaining healthy skin and an important basis for promoting the recovery of injured skin. If there are uncertain changes in the skin, let the dermatologist help you to solve the confusion together. Remember not to try the medicine as a skincare product on the skin at will!

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