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葉克膜團隊參加第五十四屆美國人工器官年會獲青年創新 For Young Innovators 獎

臺大醫院葉克膜團隊李孟霖醫師代表台灣大學醫學院附設醫院參加在舊金山六月十九日到二十一日第五十四屆美國人工器官年會 American Society of Artificial Internal Organs ASAIO 獲青年創新 For Young Innovators 獎,二十日口頭論文報告,臺大醫院葉克膜團隊以及心臟移植團隊,在心臟移植術後急性排斥使用類固醇治療卻引起心律不整休克的急救臨床成功經驗,有七成五的存活率。相當榮幸地是美國密西根大學的榮譽教授 Robert H. Bartlett (前ASAIO理事長及榮譽理事,也是陳益祥副教授美國進修指導老師,專長是新生兒及小孩葉克膜維生系統(註2),及加州太平洋醫學中心的心臟衰竭中心主任及心臟外科教授 Donald J. Hill(註3,4) (是周迺寬臨床助理教授美國進修指導老師,專長是成人葉克膜維生系統及心室輔助器,也是梭拉特心室輔助器創始者之一,皆蒞臨會場給予正面鼓勵(見圖片)。

與世界級大師的合照。由左至右分別是:Robert H. Bartlett (密西根大學外科榮譽教授)、Donald J. Hill (加州太平洋醫學中心心臟衰竭中心主任、本人(李孟霖醫師) 、及周迺寬臨床助理教授。
另外國內另有成功大學陸鵬舉教授與淡江大學盧博堅教授也帶領學生發表論文,為台灣在ASAIO發光發熱。會中Artificial Organ的榮譽總編輯Nosé教授熱情地邀請台灣加入亞洲人工器官學會的成立與第一屆會議主辦權(註5)。

National Taiwan University Hospital extracorporeal membrane oxygenation team was given For Young Innovator Award at 54th Annual Conference of American Society of Artificial Internal Organ

NTUH heart failure center has been established for 3 years. Under the leadership of Superintender Professor Chen Ming-Fong and the cooperation with Professor Wang Shoei-Shen’s extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) team, NTUH ECMO team has reported their great experience at the ASAIO conference and journal for many years. The clinical assistant professor, Dr. Chou Nai-Kuan, had two reports about ECMO experience. One is a 60% successful rate in pre-heart transplant patients after double bridge from ECMO through ventricular assist device (VAD) system waiting for heart transplantation, and the other is a 35% survival rate after ECMO assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The clinical results and achievement were encouraged by the international society.
A member of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) ECMO team, the 28 year-old young chief resident, Dr. Lee Meng-Lin, won the For Young Innovator (FYI) Award at the 54th annual conference of American Society of Artificial Internal Organ (ASAIO), San Francisco between June 19th and 21st, 2008. At the oral presentation on June 20th, we claimed that the extrocorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), which was successfully applied to Mrs. Shau, Taichung City Mayor’s wife, was useful when applying to post heart transplant patients suffering from cardiogenic shock after pulse therapy. In NTUH’s series, 75% of patients were rescued successfully. Corporation. Moreover, it was a great honor that clinical assistant professor Dr. Chou Nai-Kuan invited Dr. Robert H. Barlett, the professor emeritus of University of Michigan Ann Arbor, and Dr. Donald J. Hill, the director of heart failure center of California Pacific Medical Center, both of whom to attend the presentation and give positive feedbacks. Dr. Robert H. Barlett is the pioneer of pediatric ECMO in the world. Dr. Donald J. Hill is the expert of adult ECMO and ventricular assist device (VAD), also a shareholder of Thoratec Corporation.

1. 臺大醫院心臟衰竭中心網址
2. ECMO History
(1) 1972 J.D. Hill, T.G.O’ Brien and others (San Francisco) report first successful clinical case using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for respiratory failure.
(2) 1975 LANDMARK PUBLICATION: Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Jeffries MR, Huxtable RF, Haiduc NJ and Fong SW. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenations (ECMO) cardiopulmonary support in infancy. Tr Am Soc Artif Intern Org 22:80-93, 1976
3. Hill JD, de Level MR, Fallat RJ, Bramson ML, Eberhart RC, Schulte HD, Osborn JJ, Barber R, GERBODE f: Acute respiratory insufficiency: treatment with prolonged extracorporeal oxygenation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1972;64:551-562.
4. Hill JD, Farrar DJ, Hershon JJ, Compton PG, Avery GJ, Litwak P, Foan WS, Dunlap TE, Levin BS: Use of a prosthetic ventricle as a bridge to cardiac transplantation for postinfarction cardiogenic shock. N Engl J Med 1986;314:626.
5. The invitated E-mail from Prof. Nose:
As I had informed, JSAO key members (including Dr. Fukui) assembiled in San Francsisco and we recommended to formulate Asian Society of Artificial Organs (ASAO); Dr. Fukui (chairman of the board) and Dr. Takatani (communicated by telephone) both agree this issue and also very happy to hear that you are organizing the first ASAO congress in Taipei in 2009, you should select the president from Taipei and we will help recruit candidates for the additional board from Asian countries.

The journal "artificial organ" will be happy to be an official Journal of ASAO, please let us know your progress.

Yukihiko Nosé, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Center for Artificial Organ Development
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, Texas 77030
Tel (713) 798-4434
Fax (713) 798-3985

  臺大醫院外科部主治醫師 李孟霖
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